July 01, 2020
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
I Corinthians 13:13 - “And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”
Since this pandemic began, we have been making decisions heavily based on the health and safety of the congregation. These decisions have been based on the local government requirements, input from the membership, and what our obligations are as Christians.
We recognize the different views and perspectives about COVID-19, and as shepherds we are greatly concerned about the spiritual well-being of each Christian, their health, and following the local guidelines.
Our local government stated churches can have larger groups in attendance. Therefore, we are moving forward and are excited to announce we have implemented a safe worship assembling plan starting July 5th consisting of a morning and evening worship. This plan will allow members who desire to attend to do so every Sunday. The plan is being communicated through this email, church Facebook page, and church website.
We believe this plan creates a safe environment that is conducive to a Godly worship. Currently, we still plan on providing livestreaming two complete Sunday services. Please see the below revisions which we believe provide specific precautionary measures in accordance to state requirements.
Assembly Schedule
Starting Sunday, July 5th, there will be two worship services every Sunday: 10:30am and 5:30pm. Each week, those who have expressed the desire to attend will have the information whether to attend in the morning or evening services.
There is no prerecorded second Sunday sermon.
There is no Wednesday evening service at the building at this time. Please continue to livestream Bible study at 7:00 PM through Zoom or YouTube.
There will be no children’s or adult Bible classes offered at the building at this time.
Before You Arrive
The building is sanitized weekly and between services.
All items previously left in the pews have been removed.
Bulletins will only be emailed at this time.
When You Arrive ... As You Leave
Please arrive 10-15 minutes prior to services to allow time to be ushered in.
When you enter the foyer, please sanitize your hands, take one of the individual communion packets, and then wait to be ushered in.
Please refrain from handshakes and hugs inside the building.
At a minimum, unless there is a health reasons, please be wearing a face mask before entering the building, during the singing, and while exiting. We encourage wearing a mask during services if possible.
At the conclusion of our service, you will be ushered out. Please exit the building and visit outside while continuing to maintain social distancing.
Usher(s) will seat the attendees in the front pews first, working toward the back, and following the social distancing guidelines. Please remain seated once ushered in (pews will be dismissed from back to front).
When you arrive, please wait for ushers to direct you to your seat, maintaining social distancing.
One empty pew will be maintained between each occupied pew to allow six feet of distancing.
Pews intended to remain empty are clearly marked.
Please maintain six feet of separation between parties on each pew except for:
Members in the same household. Six feet of separation between households if on the same pew.
Parents: please always keep your children with you, before, during, and after the service.
Lord’s Supper
Individual communion packets are available on the foyer table as you enter.
Please dispose of your used communion packet in one of the trash containers as you exit the building.
As you enter/exit the foyer, the collection tray is on the table to make your contribution.
Additional Building Notes
The restrooms by the main entrance will be open if necessary.
If you need to exit during services, you can utilize either the side or center aisle.
If possible, we prefer the nursery to remain closed.
The drinking fountains in the foyer will be inoperable.
Final Message
We understand there is a wide range of comfort to return to the building or not. This is an individual judgment/decision only you can make. If you have underlying health issues that put you in the high-risk category, please do not return to the building yet.
Please note the maximum attendance and 6 feet part, is what the state guidelines indicate which we believe is prudent. It is important to follow this plan so we can stay open for worship. “Look out not only for our own interests, but for the interests of others” (Phil 2:4).
Thank you for your patience as we navigate through this together. Thank you for your understanding and we truly hope everyone can soon worship together.
In Him We Serve,
The Elders