Welcome!, We Are Glad You Are Here!
Jack Hafer
Whether you were looking for our site or came across it by accident, we are glad that you found us!
The South Salem church is an active family of believers in Christ who care for each other. Every Sunday, Christians from all walks of life gather here to worship in spirit and truth and to stimulate one another to love and good deeds. Throughout the week opportunities exist to feed on God’s word as we equip each other for their own personal work of service. Even our children, beginning at the young age of two, are taught the truth God’s word which will shape their life for years to come.
We are simply trying to be Christian’s only.
Sam Bray
I have only been here one year, but in my time at South I have already been taken in as family. This is not because I am a preacher here, but a brother in Christ, and this group is one of the most welcoming I have been apart of.
That is because we are a family of believers who look to Christ as our example and rely upon His word for guidance. This is the recipe for a thriving congregation, and I believe South Salem Church of Christ is a evidence of that.
If you are looking for a congregation that will allow you to worship in spirit and in truth, as well as a congregation that will support you and help you grow spiritually, please give us a chance and stop by for a visit!